The Future of AES Built Today

The Future of AES Built Today

Posted: September 29, 2016

People are the heart and soul of the AES Group. Recognition of the importance of self-development and increasing knowledge and skills is ever evident in the training and development of our retained, high-calibre employee base. AESSEAL (Pty) Ltd and AESPUMP (Pty) Ltd also operates a high-calibre Apprenticeship Training Program, which is facilitated through a variety of blended media including classroom based, on-the-job and practical assessment.

Young people are at the core of our training and development plans for AESSEAL (Pty) Ltd and AESPUMP (Pty) Ltd and we continually look for new ways to engage and empower them, so that they are in the best position possible to become the leaders and innovators of the future of the AES legacy – grooming ambassadors providing reliability, safety and on-time performance which are pre-requisites for a successful company, and excellence is the only means to achieve this.


The “Discovery Jacaranda FM Spring Walk” was one of the initiatives which AESSEAL (PTY) Ltd and AESPUMP (Pty) Ltd undertook whereby we pioneered in recognition that young people need to develop different skills than those of previous generations. Attaining these skills addresses the holistic grooming required to succeed and flourish in today’s increasingly globalised world.

Cultivating soft skills such as teamwork, verbal communication, creativity, leadership, and the ability to problem solve under pressure is at the heart of the management team devoted to the Apprenticeship Training Program who fully support and encourage the young dynamic team. Mentorship and guidance is readily available to the apprentices and feedback sessions are held in an open forum meeting. In bringing people together to discuss issues of common concern, ideas can be exchanged that lead to action as well as possible ideas on how to effect change.

The Apprenticeship Training Program was created in line with global best practice, to provide the candidates participating in the program with practical opportunities to build their confidence and develop a skillset that positions them in a favourable light for future employment across a range of industries, broadening and expanding their future.

AESSEAL (PTY) Ltd and AESPUMP (Pty) also offers a transparent training and employment equity platform which initiates employees to be put through a set development plan, which in turn helps them in their career progression within the company. Through this action we fulfil one of the core values of our business – recruiting, training and retaining high calibre people.

Erika Coetzee – AESSEAL SA
